
We invite you to apply to be the Priest-in-Charge of an exciting new partnership within the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. 

We encourage you to learn more about the two parishes who seek to share a full-time Priest-in-Charge and their commitment to this partnership. We have prepared several documents (listed below) to introduce you to St. Mark’s, Johnstown, and St. Francis in the Fields, Somerset. 

For more information about this interesting opportunity to make a difference, contact The Rev. Canon Nancy Suellau, acting transition minister for the Diocese of Pittsburgh, at mtrnancy@gmail.com, with a copy to Executive Assistant Andrea Rath at arath@episcopalpgh.org.

The partnership between St. Marks and St. Francis in the Fields is the first of its kind in the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, but it is not unique within the Episcopal Church in America.  Our two parishes have embraced this new partnership and recognize that, together, we are at the forefront of identifying innovative ways to grow and amplify resources in service to the Lord. We share a collective vision of growth and service, even as we retain individual identities and locations. 

As part of the Covenant of Explorative Partnership, we undertook a process of Self Study and Survey, analyzing the information gathered to assist in understanding who we are and who we seek to be.  It is our sincere and heartfelt prayer that with God’s guidance, a Priest-in-Charge will be identified who is open to new ideas; flexible; supportive of expanding the role of laity within the church; grounded spiritually; committed to creation of a church community where all feel accepted; and dedicated to growing this alliance from words in a document to a thriving, living reflection of God’s love in our parish communities.

St. Mark’s (est. 1872) and St. Francis in the Fields (est. 1958) each bring a rich heritage of traditions and community engagement to the partnership.  Located 30 bucolic miles apart on the north and east side of the Laurel Highlands, the two parishes will remain separate with distinct memberships, vestries, budgets, and services.  We recognize there will be challenges to address as we learn to share the time and talent of our new priest.  We, however, fervently believe the synergies created by the exchange of ideas, successful Faith in Action activities and expertise between the parishes outweigh potential obstacles.  Central to the partnership, the parishes will provide human and financial resources in support of the priest.  We are called by God to transform this partnership into a vibrant alliance that mutually benefits our congregants, our communities, the Church at large – and you!

We have prepared the documents listed below to help those interested in serving as our Priest-in-Charge to learn about us and understand who we are, how we worship, and how we serve God.  Our faith and relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a life-long journey, one we hope our new Priest-in-Charge will reverently and eagerly join in.  It is a time of both excitement and disquiet as we move forward in our journey of faith as members of the body of Jesus Christ.  We are guided through each step of this discernment process by the following prayer.

Gracious and loving God, you know us better than we know ourselves. Guide the Discernment Committees, Vestries, and people of St. Francis in the Fields and St. Mark’s Episcopal Churches through this time of transition and discernment.

We pray that your Holy Spirit continues to open our hearts and minds to new opportunities and ideas; so that we may follow where you lead — knowing that Jesus Christ walks with us each step of the way.  Empower each and every member of the Discernment Committees and Vestries to use their gifts for ministry to the fullest; to share their thoughts openly and honestly; to respect the opinions of others; and to encourage humility, patience, and joy.

Finally, instill in all the people of St. Mark’s and St. Francis in the Fields a glorious vision of the future; that, guided by your Holy Spirit, we may be united in love — with warm hearts, enlightened minds and open arms — so that we may gladly accomplish the mission to which you are calling us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Adapted from the Priest Search Committee Prayer, Christ Church, Winnetka, Illinois)

Guided by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we seek to be united in love for each other — with warm hearts, enlightened minds and open arms — so that together, we may gladly accomplish the mission to which each of us and our new priest are called to serve. 

We humbly pray you will consider joining us in this endeavor to creatively serve the Lord. 

Please send resumé/CV, OTM profile, link to online sermon(s), and cover letter (describing why you feel called to apply for the position and the gifts you would bring to it) to The Rev. Canon Nancy Suellau, acting transition minister for the Diocese of Pittsburgh, at mtrnancy@gmail.com, with a copy to Executive Assistant Andrea Rath at arath@episcopalpgh.org. 

In service to Christ,

Lisa Bell-Loncella                             Donald G. Jones
Senior Warden                                  Senior Warden
St. Mark’s                                           St. Francis in the Fields


St. Mark’s Parish Profile                 St. Francis in the Fields Parish Profile

St. Mark’s OTM Responses             St. Francis in the Fields OTM Responses

Episcopal News Service Position Announcement

(includes applicant instructions)

Discernment Committees

                        St. Mark’s                                           St. Francis in the Fields

Co-Chairs:     Colleen Cury                                        Hannah Breen

                      Richard Burkert                                    Shirley Jones


Members:       Kitty Batrus                                           Marilee Appel

Cindy Leap                                           Katie Ong                             

                        Catherine-Anne McCloskey              Kathy Ogline

                        Doug Zawiskie