A Worshipping Community

Inviting You!

Practicing the Greatest Commandment.

Love God, love yourself, love your neighbor - This is the sum of all the law and the prophets according to Jesus. In other words, this is what it means to be a disciple. Perhaps you don’t have a spiritual life, or maybe you haven’t been to church in years. Wherever your journey has lead you, you are welcome to be part of our community.

Our Worship Schedule

Sunday, September 1st - Sunday, October 27th -

NEW TIME: 11:30am - Holy Eucharist Rite I

Sundays, November 3rd - December 29th - 9:00am - Holy Eucharist Rite I

Thursday Morning at 10:00am - Morning Prayer Rite I

Sunday services are live streamed. To receive instructions to log in, please contact us at stfrancis.somerset@gmail.com.

Upcoming events

  • New Ministry begins: Sunday School - Godly Play

    Every Sunday during the 11:30am service

    We are implementing a new Christian education program, based on an approach called Godly Play. 

    Biblical stories are presented with a sensorimotor story telling method, inviting the children to interact with the material in various ways.  

    Families will begin the church service together, with the children staying through the first songs and Bible readings.   Before the sermon the children with go with the teachers to Damian’s Room, our space for children’s worship and formation. 

  • October Holy Hikes

    Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 9am

    The next Holy Hike is scheduled for Saturday, October 19th at 9 a.m. We will return to Laurel Summit State Park to see how the vistas have changed since the summer.

    We will gather at the parking lot at 9:00 a.m. Please dress for the weather (rain or shine). You should also bring water, although we will have extra water, just in case. During the hike, we read the scriptures for the week, and we finish with Holy Eucharist in the picnic area just adjacent to the trail head.

    The entrance to Laurel Summit Park is located on Linn Run Road in Cook Township, Westmoreland County, near the intersection with Laurel Summit Road.

    See our Facebook page for posts with more details. If you plan to attend or if you have questions, please contact Katie Ong.

  • ECW's November Program

    Tuesday, November 12 at 6:30pm

    We will host a program by Sheila Parocai, Have All Heard? Creation is God's Avatar, featuring a story of a Medal of Honor recipient. Come to learn and join the fellowship!

    The Outreach for the month supports Shepherd's Heart, and Bradley Ogline is hosting this month's event. 

  • Morning Prayer Rite I

    Every Thursday 10am*

    Join us to celebrate Morning Prayer.

    If you would like to join by phone, please contact Linda Breen.

Our Weekly Newsletter

You can learn more about our ministries and the many activities we offer by reading our weekly newsletter

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Love thy Neighbor

Faith in action